
オシッコが出ていないかも…それ、緊急事態の可能性あります! 猫下部尿路疾患について Your cat may not be peeing…it could be an emergency! About Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease



My cat has been going to the bathroom a lot lately.


And he’s been sitting there purring all the time.


Hello everyone!


The cat goes to the toilet frequently, or urinates in a urinating position but produces no urine or only a little. Hematuria occurs.


Many cat owners may have witnessed this situation.


In this article, I will summarize feline lower urinary tract disease, which I feel is a relatively common reason cats are taken to veterinary clinics.


Because urinary disorders can be life-threatening, if you feel that your cat is not peeing, go to a veterinary clinic as soon as possible!

猫下部尿路疾患とは? What is Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease?

Gerhard BögnerによるPixabayからの画像


Feline lower urinary tract disease, as the name implies, is a general term for diseases that occur in the lower part of the urinary tract (bladder and urethra) of cats, including idiopathic cystitis, dysuria caused by crystals or stones, and infectious cystitis.



A combination of causes are involved, including a stressful lifestyle, lack of exercise, inadequate drinking water, obesity, not liking the litter in the toilet, and often dirty toilets.


Fuzzy RescueによるPixabayからの画像


The necessary tests vary considerably depending on the cat’s general condition.


If your cat has a good appetite and energy, is urinating and has little or no urine retention, blood tests may not be necessary. I would recommend an abdominal ultrasound and urinalysis.


Abdominal echography is used to determine the morphologic pathology of the kidneys, ureters, and bladder. It checks for findings that are suspicious for stones or blood clots, thickening of the bladder wall, dilatation of the renal pelvis, tumors in the kidneys, and other abnormalities.


Urinalysis checks for occult blood and protein by means of test strips, and centrifuges the urine to check for crystals and infection from the sediment.


If the patient is not urinating at all and has no appetite or energy, blood tests, etc., will be necessary in addition to these.


If signs of acute renal failure are present, inpatient treatment is recommended.


Sudden death due to cardiac arrest is possible, especially if hyperkalemia is observed!

治療 Treatment

Gundula VogelによるPixabayからの画像


Treatment methods also vary considerably depending on the condition of the cat.


If your cat has a good appetite and energy and is urinating, the disease can be treated on an outpatient basis.


Subcutaneous drips are administered to hydrate and dilute urine to improve bladder conditions.


If there are crystals in the urine or infection is observed, the bladder may be washed with saline solution.


At home, you need to take care of your pet by keeping the toilet as clean as possible, changing the litter or the toilet itself to one that is easier to excrete in, increasing the number of drinking areas, changing the container for drinking water, making it easier for the pet to sharpen its nails, and adding a favorite place for it to calm down.


Feeding a therapeutic diet that is less likely to cause urinary problems is also important to avoid severe symptoms.


Therapeutic diets are designed to lower urine pH and increase water consumption.


If the patient lacks appetite and energy and shows signs of acute renal failure, treatment is usually presented by hospitalization.


A catheter is inserted into the urethra and an intravenous drip is used to facilitate the elimination of waste products from the blood and to correct electrolyte imbalance.


If hyperkalemia is severe, insulin, which promotes potassium uptake into cells, and sugar supplementation, which prevents hypoglycemia, may be implemented.


If these aggressive medical treatments do not improve the signs of renal failure within a few days, the prognosis may be poor.


If a male cat’s urethra is so narrow that a catheter cannot be inserted or if urethral spasms are severe, surgery may be used to adjust the thin, narrow urethra to a thicker, shorter urethra.


In addition, feline lower urinary tract diseases are prone to recurrence, so once a cat is affected, it is recommended that the affected cat live with recurrence in mind and go to a veterinary clinic as soon as possible after symptoms appear!



As for the cost, it is a free treatment and varies from veterinary hospital to veterinary hospital. Please check with your veterinary clinic for the actual cost.

  • 排尿できている場合(入院しない場合)
    • 腹部超音波検査 四千~五千円ぐらい
    • 尿検査:二千円ぐらい
    • 皮下点滴:三千~四千円ぐらい
    • 内服処方:二千~三千円ぐらい
    • 療法食:四千~五千円ぐらい
    • トータル:一万五千~二万円ぐらい
  • 排尿できていない場合(入院する場合)
    • 血液検査:一万~一万五千円ぐらい
    • 腹部超音波検査 四千~五千円ぐらい
    • 尿検査:二千円ぐらい
    • 皮下点滴:三千~四千円ぐらい
    • 内服処方:二千~三千円ぐらい
    • 療法食:四千~五千円ぐらい
    • 尿閉解除:一万五千~二万円ぐらい
    • 入院費用(点滴治療を含む):一日一万五千円ぐらい
    • 退院までで十万~二十万円ぐらい
    • 手術が必要な場合:上記の金額に十万から十五万円ぐらい加算になる可能性あり
まとめ Summary


It is abnormal that your cat has not passed urine for a whole day! Go to the hospital immediately!


Lack of energy and appetite and vomiting in particular may be signs of acute renal failure!


Since feline lower urinary tract disease is more of a lifestyle aspect than a specific disease, stress relief and improved toilet and drinking habits may reduce the severity of the disease!


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Thank you for your cooperation.

2006年大阪府立大学卒業 2006年4月~2020年3月実家から通える動物病院に就職 2020年4月~ 広島県三次市の動物病院に就職 現在は広島県三次市の動物病院と広島県庄原市の動物病院を行き来しながら勤務中で、趣味は筋トレと映画鑑賞 このブログでは自分の勉強したこと、筋トレ、映画などについて書こうと思っています。