My dog, she has something coming out of her butt.
She has been listless lately, and her appetite is down.
Hello everyone!
In this issue, I would like to review the traditional pyometra.
If a female dog that has not been sterilized becomes unwell some time after estrus, the possibility of pyometra is so common that it must be considered.
ワンちゃんの子宮蓄膿症とは? What is pyometra in dogs?

This is a disease associated with the estrus cycle and the accumulation of pus in the uterus.
The underlying cause is that with the estrus cycle, the cervix opens, making it easier for bacteria to invade, the endometrium grows and bacteria increase, and the cervix closes at the end of the estrus cycle, trapping the bacteria.
As pus accumulates in the uterus, bacteria and their toxins circulate in the body and cause the following symptoms
- 食欲不振 lose appetite
- 元気消失 loss of vitality
- 多飲多尿 polyuria and polydipsia
- 陰部からの排膿 pus from the pubic area
There may be pus coming out of the pubic area, or there may be no pus and it may just accumulate in the uterus.
The uterus may rupture in severe cases of pyometra, in which case septic peritonitis and other complications may occur and the general condition rapidly deteriorates.
検査 Examination

If pyometra is suspected, blood tests, x-rays, and abdominal echography are performed to assess the general condition.
Hematological examination reveals elevated white blood cell counts and, in some cases, anemia.
Biochemical tests may show elevated blood globulin levels, elevated CRP, and elevated renal values.
X-rays show the shadow of a fluid-filled uterus, and abdominal echography shows a fluid-filled uterus (the uterus is usually not clearly visible on abdominal echography).
治療 Treatment

Treatment basically depends on surgery.
Surgically remove the ovaries and the pus-filled uterus.
This prevents estrus cycles from occurring after the surgery, and if cured, will not recur.
‘Is it a hair-raising form of ovariohysterectomy?’
No, it is not such a comfortable situation.
Even if a patient undergoes surgery, an already existing infection cannot be cured without appropriate medical treatment such as antibiotics and infusion therapy, and if the infection is severe enough to cause sepsis or disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC), the patient may die even with appropriate treatment.
I have also experienced a case of polyuria due to pyometra, which resulted in gastric volvulus, thought to be caused by drinking too much water.
I hope you can think of pyometra as a serious condition that can lead to a life-threatening situation.
If pus can be excreted from the pubic area, the patient is in good general condition, and breeding is being considered in the future, prescribing antibiotics is a bitter pill to take, but even if the patient is cured, there is a high possibility of recurrence, so it is not recommended.
費用 Cost

The costs introduced here are based on my personal feeling, and since this is an unrestricted treatment, please consult with your veterinary clinic about the specific costs.
- 初期評価
- 血液検査:1万~1万5千円ぐらい
- レントゲン検査:五千~一万円ぐらい
- エコー検査:五千円ぐらい
- 治療(手術)
- 麻酔:八千~一万円ぐらい
- 手術:六万~十万円ぐらい
- 入院(点滴込み):一日辺り一万円~一万五千円ぐらい
- 退院時の内服:三千~一万円ぐらい
- 入院から退院まで(入院期間や体格によります):十万~三十万円ぐらい
The above is a very rough calculation of the costs.
Costs may vary considerably depending on the length of hospitalization, the size of the dog, and any complications.
I hope that you will consult with your veterinary clinic and undergo examination and treatment after you are satisfied with the results.
予防 Prevention
Preventing Pyometra is a prophylactic sterilization procedure performed in a healthy state.
It is recommended as it is less physically demanding and less costly.
In terms of preventing the development of mammary tumors, sterilization at around six months of age is recommended.
Pyometra is a dangerous and potentially life-threatening condition!
I would highly recommend preventive sterilization!
The risks are great, both physically and financially!