My dog throws up and has diarrhea even after taking her meds.
My dog isn’t getting any better even though I’ve changed a lot of foods.
Simple vomiting and diarrhea will go away quickly, but some cases do not heal easily even after changing hands.
Let’s have a summary of your dog’s chronic gastrointestinal symptoms.
慢性腸症とは? What is chronic enteropathy?

When chronic gastrointestinal symptoms are present, liver or kidney problems or tumors may be involved. Even in the absence of such a cause, the disease may be called chronic enteropathy.
Chronic enteropathy is defined as follows;
- 3週間以上続く下痢・嘔吐・体重減少など
- Vomiting, diarrhea, weight loss etc. that lasting more than 3weeks.
- 消化管以外の明らかな原因を認めない
- No apparent cause other than gastrointestinal tract.
- 消化管に感染、異物、腫瘍、イレウスなどが認められない
- No infection, foreign body, tumor, or ileus in the gastrointestinal tract
- 消化管に組織学的な炎症像が認められる
- Histologic evidence of inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract
Many examinations are needed to determine the cause of chronic gastrointestinal symptoms.
検査 Examination

In the case of chronic gastrointestinal symptoms, the following process is used to obtain a diagnosis.
If it is simple, that is fine, but if it is not easy to ascertain the status, it is important to keep in mind that it can be both time-consuming and expensive.
- シグナルメント・問診
- Signalment and medical interview
- 品種
- Breed
- 柴犬、マルチーズ、ミニチュア・ダックスフント、キャバリア・キング・チャールズ・スパニエル、ゴールデンレトリーバーなどは炎症性腸疾患に罹っている可能性があります。
- Shiba Inus, Maltese, Miniature Dachshunds, Cavalier King Charles Spaniels, and Golden Retrievers may suffer from inflammatory bowel disease.
- 年齢
- age
- 若齢であれば感染や誤食、先天異常の可能性が高まり、中年齢から高齢では内分泌疾患や腫瘍性疾患などの可能性が高まります。
- Younger age increases the likelihood of infection, misfeeding, and congenital abnormalities, while middle-aged to older age increases the likelihood of endocrine and neoplastic diseases.
- 性別・避妊や去勢の状態
- Sex and spay or neuter status
- 未避妊の状態であれば、卵巣や子宮などの疾患、未去勢であれば前立腺の疾患や会陰ヘルニアなどの可能性が考えられます。
- If the animal is unneutered, it may have ovarian or uterine disease; if unneutered, it may have prostate disease or a perineal hernia.
- 普段食べている食事内容
- What your dog usually eat
- 合っていないフードやおやつを与えている場合や、不適切な食事回数で給餌しているパターンでは、それが原因となることがあります。
- It can be caused by feeding an ill-fitting food or treats or in patterns of feeding with inappropriate meal frequency.
- 便検査
- Fecal examination
- 特に予防関係(フィラリア予防・ノミダニ予防・ワクチン接種)をされていない方は、寄生虫や原虫などについてチェックする必要があります。
- In particular, those who have not taken preventive measures (filarial prophylaxis, flea and tick prevention, vaccinations) should be checked for parasites and protozoa.
- 血液検査
- Blood test
- 血液検査では消化器症状を起こしそうな全身性の病態がないかどうか、全身状態に問題が無いかどうかをチェックします。
- Blood tests check for systemic conditions that might cause gastrointestinal symptoms and for systemic conditions.
- レントゲン検査
- Radiography
- レントゲン検査では腹腔内の腫瘤性病変や消化管内ガスのパターンなど、形態的な異常を検出します。
- X-rays detect morphologic abnormalities such as mass lesions in the abdominal cavity and gas patterns in the gastrointestinal tract.
- 腹部超音波検査
- Abdominal ultrasonography
- 腹部超音波検査では消化管壁の構造や、肝臓や腎臓のより細かい病変を検出します。
- Abdominal ultrasound detects structures of the digestive tract wall and more subtle lesions of the liver and kidneys.
If the disease is not refractory at this point, it is expected to improve with appropriate treatment based on the diagnosis.
If the diagnosis cannot be reached by the previous tests, more detailed examination is required.
- 療法食による試験的な治療
- Experimental treatment with a therapeutic diet
- 新奇蛋白食や加水分解食で症状が改善するかどうかチェックします。
- Check to see if symptoms improve on a novel protein diet or hydrolyzed diet.
- 内視鏡検査
- Endoscope examination
- 内視鏡検査では、消化管壁の評価や消化管壁の検体採取が実施できます。
- Endoscopy allows evaluation of the digestive tract wall and collection of specimens from the digestive tract wall.
- 生検
- Biopsy
- 生検は内視鏡検査や試験開腹によって実施されます。これにより消化管壁の炎症や腫瘍性病変を組織学的に診断できます。
- Biopsies are performed by endoscopy or by exploratory laparotomy. This allows histological diagnosis of inflammatory or neoplastic lesions in the walls of the gastrointestinal tract.
- CT検査
- CT scan
- CT検査では、全身の立体的構造把握ができたり、造影検査によって他の検査では把握できなかった腫瘍性病変などが検出できます。
- CT scans can provide a three-dimensional view of the entire body, and contrast enhanced scans can detect neoplastic lesions that could not be detected by other examinations.
治療 Treatment

Treatment is based on the diagnosis.
If a disease other than chronic enteropathy is found by blood tests or x-rays, treatment for that disease will be implemented.
- 食事反応性腸症
- Food responsive enteropathy
- 新奇蛋白食や加水分解食の給餌
- Feeding novel protein diets and hydrolyzed diets
- 抗生物質反応性腸症
- Antibiotic responsive enteropathy
- タイロシンやフラジールなどによる投薬治療
- Medication with Tylosin, Metronidazole, etc.
- 炎症性腸疾患
- Inflammatory bowel disease
- 免疫抑制量のステロイドと免疫抑制剤
- Immunosuppressive Doses of Steroids and Immunosuppressants
Because of the wide variety of chronic gastrointestinal symptoms in dogs, there may be inadequate or erroneous descriptions.
If inappropriate, we will update the information accordingly!