My dog is getting tired easily these days, probably because of his age.
My dog often coughs when he gets excited.
Hello everyone!
In this issue, I would like to summarize a common heart disease in older dogs, mitral regurgitation.
Have your dog ever had a chest auscultation during a physical examination that revealed a “heart murmur”?
Even if a heart murmur is pointed out to your dog, many of you may refuse to have it checked, saying, “What’s a murmur? He looks the same as usual, so it’s OK.”
By the time symptoms of cardiac disease become apparent, cardiac disease is often quite advanced.
I recommend that you get a thorough examination of your heart without saying, “What’s the big deal about a murmur?
僧帽弁閉鎖不全症とは? What is mitral regurgitation?

The mitral valve is the valve leaflet of the heart that separates the left ventricle from the left atrium, and in many cases this valve fails to function properly due to age-related myxomatous changes (the mitral valve is a non-return valve, so when it fails to function properly, blood flows back from the left ventricle to the left atrium).
This regurgitation is heard as a heart murmur during chest auscultation.
心雑音のグレード | |
グレードⅠ | 注意深く聴診することによって聞こえる、ごく小さな心雑音。 |
グレードⅡ | 聴診するとすぐに聞こえる、弱い心雑音。 |
グレードⅢ | 中等度の大きさの心雑音。 |
グレードⅣ | 強い心雑音。 |
グレードⅤ | 強い心雑音。胸壁に触れるとスリルが感じられる。 |
グレードⅥ | 強い心雑音。胸壁から手が離れても、スリルが感じられる。 |
The fact that a heart murmur is heard indicates that there is a disturbance in blood flow within the heart.
The examination evaluates the size of the heart, the cause of the heart murmur, blood flow in the heart, thickness of the myocardium, and cardiac contractility, leading to necessary treatment.
検査および病期分類 Examination and Staging

胸部レントゲン検査:心臓の大きさ、肺などの呼吸器の状態を評価します。心臓の大きさはVHS(Vertebral Heart Size:心臓の縦・横のサイズが脊椎の何個分に相当するかの指標です)、心臓と胸骨の接触面積、気管の挙上状態、心ウエストの有無(通常の心臓はラグビーボールの様な形をしていますが、そのくびれがあるかどうかによる評価)などの複数の状況から心拡大があるかどうか評価します。
Chest x-ray: Evaluates the size of the heart and the condition of the lungs and other respiratory organs. Heart size is evaluated based on several factors, including VHS (Vertebral Heart Size: a measure of how many vertebrae the heart measures in length and width), the area of contact between the heart and sternum, the elevation of the trachea, and the presence of a cardiac waist (the normal heart has a shape similar to a rugby ball, and the presence of a waist is evaluated based on whether or not the heart is constricted).
Echocardiography: allows a more detailed evaluation of the heart, including assessment of blood flow inside the heart, assessment of whether the atria are enlarged, assessment of the contractility of the heart, and assessment of the thickness of the myocardium.
Staging of myxomatous degenerative mitral valve disease by ACVIM (American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine)
Depending on this classification, guidelines exist for what treatment is recommended, and veterinarians consider what medications to administer in each case, whether surgery should be recommended, and so on.
病期 | 病期の説明 |
Stage A | 心臓の構造的異常は認められないが、犬種的にリスクがある。 |
Stage B | 心臓の構造的異常が認められる(心雑音があるなど)が、臨床症状はない Stage B1:心拡大がない。Stage B2:心拡大がある。 |
Stage C | 現在もしくは過去に、粘液腫様変性性僧帽弁膜症による心不全の徴候がある。標準的な治療に反応する。 |
Stage D | 標準的な治療に反応しない。繰り返す肺水腫。 |
治療 Treatment

In terms of ACVIM classification, it is recommended to start treatment from stage B2.
Treatment can be medical or surgical.
Internal medicine treatment is medication therapy. The following medications are used in combination according to the patient’s condition
By reducing the load on the heart (reducing the amount of blood returning to the heart and dilating blood vessels) and by helping the heart function, the heart is made as comfortable as possible.
ピモベンダン | 強心作用+血管拡張作用 |
利尿剤(フロセミド、トラセミド) | 利尿作用 |
利尿剤(スピロノラクトン) | 利尿作用 |
ACE阻害剤 | 血管拡張作用 |
シルデナフィル | 肺の血管拡張 |
In situations where pulmonary edema develops during treatment, hospitalization may be required to improve the condition.
Oxygen exchange in the lungs becomes difficult, so the patient is managed in an oxygen chamber during draining excess fluid from the lungs.
Surgical treatment involves replacing the malfunctioning valve leaflets with artificial ones or shrinking the communicating parts of the widened heart chambers.
Since such surgical treatment is extremely specialized, referral to a veterinary hospital that specializes in cardiology is essential.
費用 Cost

The cost varies from veterinary hospital to veterinary hospital due to the free treatment aspect.
The costs shown here are based on my personal feeling, so please consult with the veterinary hospital where you will receive treatment for specific details.
- 初期評価
- 血液検査:1万~1万五千円ぐらい
- レントゲン検査:5千~1万円ぐらい
- 心エコー検査:5千円ぐらい
- 内服処方(1週間ほど):3千~5千円ぐらい
- 合計:2万5千~3万円ぐらい
- モニター
- 血液検査(脱水のチェックなど):5千円ぐらい
- レントゲン:5千円ぐらい
- 心エコー検査:5千円ぐらい
- 内服(1ヶ月分):1万5千~2万円ぐらい
- 合計:3万~4万円ぐらい
- 肺水腫に陥り、入院が必要になった場合
- ICUでの入院費用一日辺り:2万~3万円ぐらい
- 必要な検査(レントゲン、血液検査、心エコー検査など):3万円ぐらい
- 合計:2~3万円×日数+3万円ぐらい
- 手術する場合
- 遠征費用:旅費+宿泊費など
- 診療(検査・手術など):80万~100万円ぐらい
Increased coughing and tiredness may indicate cardiac disease!
Do not leave a heart murmur untreated!
It is important to deal with cardiac disease from an early stage!
Surgical treatment is still a hurdle, but can improve dramatically!