
うちのネコちゃんの呼吸がおかしい!~ネコちゃんの呼吸困難について~ My cat’s breathing is not right! ~ About feline dyspnea ~

Юрий СидоренкоによるPixabayからの画像


My cat, she’s been breathing hard for about a week and today she’s breathing through her mouth.


Will it get better in time? Should I take him to a veterinary clinic?


Hello everyone!


Recently, I have noticed that my cat is breathing somewhat raspy. You notice that he/she is breathing through his/her mouth. Have you ever had such an experience?


Cats do not often breathe through their mouths. This may indicate that an emergency situation has arisen.


Could we just wait and see? The longer you say that, the worse the situation could get by the minute.


If your cat is not breathing well, especially if it is breathing through its mouth, go to a veterinary clinic immediately!


In this issue, we would like to introduce emergency measures, examination after visiting a veterinary clinic, and differential diagnosis for feline breathing difficulties.

まずは呼吸困難に気付くこと!The first step is to notice breathing difficulties!



It may first be difficult to recognize breathing difficulties in cats.


Rough breathing after running, flailing or excitement may be normal.


The most reliable possibility is the state of breathing at rest.


A higher than usual respiratory rate at rest or open mouth breathing even at rest is clearly a strange symptom.

とにかく酸素補給!Oxygen supply anyway!

Nico FranzによるPixabayからの画像


If you want to stabilize the condition of a cat with breathing difficulties with as little strain as possible, the first thing you need to do is supply oxygen.


Nevertheless, if you want to supplement oxygen at home, your methods are somewhat limited.


Some companies rent oxygen chambers, but this may not be practical in urgent situations.


Another method is to place the cat in a plastic bag and spray climbing or sports oxygen spray into it.


However, this method should also be carried out with caution, as the sound of the oxygen spray may scare the cat.


In this way, hurry to the veterinary clinic while reducing the burden on the cat as much as possible!

検査 Examination


Once the cat is carefully taken to the veterinary clinic, various tests are required to pursue the cause of the problem.

  • 呼吸のパターンを観察する Observe breathing patterns.
    • 呼吸努力が吸気時なのか、呼気時なのか評価することによって呼吸器のどこに問題があるのか推察します。 By assessing whether respiratory effort is during inspiration or expiration, it is possible to infer where the problem lies in the respiratory tract.
  • 粘膜色や脈圧を評価する Evaluate mucosa color and pulse pressure.
    • 貧血や循環障害がないかチェックします。 Check for anemia and circulation problems.
  • 胸部聴診 Chest auscultation
    • 心雑音の有無、呼吸音の異常の有無について評価します。 The presence or absence of a heart murmur and abnormal breath sounds are evaluated.
  • レントゲン検 Chest radiography
    • 肺野・胸腔・心臓に異常がないか評価し、気道の閉塞の有無についてチェックします。 The lung field, thoracic cavity, heart are evaluated for abnormality, and airways are checked for obstruction.
  • 血液検査、血液生化学検査 Blood examination, biochemistry
  • 貧血の有無や、その他の全身状態をチェックします Check for anemia and other systemic conditions
  • ネコ免疫不全症候群/ネコ白血病に対する検査 Testing for Feline Immunodeficiency Syndrome/Feline Leukemia
    • 特に外に出る可能性のあるネコちゃん、同居のネコちゃんからこれらの伝染病がうつる可能性のあるネコちゃんに対しては、これらのウイルス疾患に対する検査を実施します。これらの伝染病が問題の根底にある可能性があるからです。 Testing for these viral diseases should be performed, especially for cats that may go outside or that may pass these contagious diseases on from cats that live with them. This is because these infectious diseases may be at the root of the problem.


考えられる原因 Possible cause



The possible causes are listed below.

  • 肺の病気(気管支もしくは肺実質)Pulmonary disease (Bronchial tree, or Pulmonary parenchyma)
    • ネコ喘息 Feline asthma
    • 肺の線維症 Pulmonary fibrosis
    • 肺水腫 Pulmonary edema
    • 肺炎 Pneumonia
    • 原発性もしくは転移性の肺腫瘍 Primary or metastatic lung tumors
  • 胸腔もしくは縦隔の病気 Pleural space disease or mediastinal disease
    • 胸水 Pleural effusion
    • 膿胸 Pyothorax
    • 縦隔の腫瘍(リンパ腫、胸腺腫) Tumors of the mediastinum (lymphoma, thymoma)
  • 横隔膜の病気 Diaphragmatic disease
    • 横隔膜ヘルニア Diaphragmatic hernia
  • 胸壁の病気 Diseases of the chest wall
    • 外傷 Trauma

最後に Finally.



I would like to put together a little summary of the individual diseases and link to them.


It is said that “a cat is not a little dog,” and I realize this through my daily practice.


Dyspnea with open mouth breathing in cats is a potentially life-threatening emergency condition.


Do not underestimate or panic, but be sure to take appropriate action!

まとめ Summary


If the cat has difficulty breathing, rush to the veterinary hospital without straining anyway!


Once the patient’s condition is stabilized with oxygen supply, etc., we will carefully conduct the necessary tests first.

2006年大阪府立大学卒業 2006年4月~2020年3月実家から通える動物病院に就職 2020年4月~ 広島県三次市の動物病院に就職 現在は広島県三次市の動物病院と広島県庄原市の動物病院を行き来しながら勤務中で、趣味は筋トレと映画鑑賞 このブログでは自分の勉強したこと、筋トレ、映画などについて書こうと思っています。