Hello, everyone!
I am “kigatsukya syoro”.
It has not been easy to update the blog, but I will try to do so at my own pace and I look forward to your continued support.
In this article, I will discuss asset management, in particular domestic stock investment, which I have recently started.
Oh, and don’t worry, we’re not talking about starting to invest in stocks in particular.
Until now, when I heard of asset management and investment, I only had a scary image of it, so this is a new challenge for me at the age of 43.
きっかけ impetus

After turning 40, I changed workplaces, reviewed my supplements, made physical changes, started a second job as an English translator, started running a blog and launched a number of other initiatives.
Why is that? If you ask me, it’s clearly a financial thing. When I was at my old job, I wasn’t married and didn’t have children, so as long as I had the minimum amount of money to live on my own, that was all I needed.
However, although my income has increased dramatically after starting a family, buying a house and changing workplaces, I would be lying if I said I was not worried about having a huge mortgage, something I have never experienced before.
Then, when I started working on various initiatives and thought about going further, a sentence from a book stuck with me. It is,
This means.
Money can only be earned, stolen or increased. Stealing is out of the question, but it is not realistic to start a business or to increase work further when it comes to earning money. This left “increase” as the only option.
Against this social background, the government has advocated setting aside 20 million yen for retirement, and recent price rises have raised the question of whether 20 million yen will be enough to live on in a few decades’ time. This question also triggered the current initiative.
では何をしたか? So what have I done?

Then when it came to increasing money, there were virtual currencies and Fx, but they seemed very risky.
Therefore, I thought that domestic stock investment, as long as it is carried out with surplus funds, could minimise the risk and, if you study hard, the gambling element could be reduced considerably.
So if I wanted to buy shares, I researched what to do and found that I could open an account with a brokerage firm, then make a deposit and buy shares.
I immediately opened an account with a brokerage firm, and as I was afraid of cash, I found out that I could also buy shares with loyalty card points, so I bought only five large-cap shares.
Looking at the post-purchase situation, there were actually profits and losses depending on the ups and downs of the share price.
However, with only five shares, the gains and losses were so small that they immediately wanted to buy actual shares for cash.
I transferred most of the money to a brokerage account with a little left over from other bank accounts I had saved when I was single and actually bought shares.
Whether it was good timing or beginner’s luck, it was profitable at first.
However, if you look at it up to the present time, the profit is around 60,000 yen and the loss is around 100,000 yen, making a balance of minus 40,000 yen.
投資のこれからの予定 Future plans for investment

This result is a matter of course, and if you ask me if it is possible to pass university entrance exams when you have just started primary school, it is not, so the important thing is not to make big losses, but to aim to maintain a sustainable asset while going through various phases for a while.
Just as the NISA system is also boosting the investment population, which should be increasing, I hope to list some of my investment experiences in the hope that they can help others in a similar situation.
I hope to walk patiently through this, as I consider it to be part of our life-long commitment, just as I have done in the past.