Hello everyone.
Now I take a fair amount of supplements, but I have not studied their ingredients that closely.
I think this is a good time to learn more about the ingredients of the supplements I am currently taking, because now I start blogging about training.
In this first installment of describing supplements, I will explain how I came to take them and how they have changed over the years.
サプリメントに対する考えの変化 Change in thinking about supplements

After I started working, I was on my own as a working adult, and there was a time when I spent a period of time eating only convenience store pasta. At that time, I was new as a veterinarian and was prone to injuries to my hands, and I was troubled by the fact that these wounds did not heal easily.
I then questioned whether my diet might be the cause, and started taking convenience pasta with vegetable juice added.
Then the wounds on the hands healed instantly.
Witnessing the rapid healing of these wounds dramatically increased awareness of the importance of vitamins and minerals in addition to the three major nutrients of protein, carbohydrates, and fats.
摂取するサプリメントの推移 Changes in supplements taken

I started out taking domestic multivitamin and multimineral supplements.
I then realized that supplements are quasi-drugs, which means that they contain far less vitamins than pharmaceuticals.
Then, for a while, I took domestic pharmaceutical vitamins.
Then, after I turned 40, I heard that foreign supplements were superior to domestic ones.
The reason for this was that overseas, the insurance system is not as well established as in Japan, so medical costs are much higher than in Japan, and people overseas do not go to the hospital for the slightest illness.
Strangely convinced of this reason, I then began researching the ingredients of foreign supplements.
Then I learned that many foreign supplements contain much more than 100% of the daily intake requirement (depending on the ingredient, of course).
I knew that even if I took excessive amounts of water-soluble vitamins, the excess would be excreted through my urine, so I was not that worried about excessive amounts. On the contrary, I felt more strongly that I might be healthier than I am now, so I immediately started taking foreign-made supplements.
そして現在 And now

And now I am taking much more than my daily requirement of vitamins, minerals, etc., depending on the ingredients, but I have not experienced any problems with my health.
However, I think it is problematic to not know much about what I am consuming, so I will examine each of the ingredients and introduce them hereafter.
I do not endorse the use of foreign-made supplements, and you do so at your own risk.