
丸太のような上腕を手に入れるには? 上腕トレーニング How to get log-like upper arms? Upper Arm Training



Hello everyone!


Wouldn’t you like to have arms that you can’t get your jacket sleeves through?


To do this, the upper arm muscle group has to be strengthened.


In order to train consciously, it is also necessary to know about the muscle groups that make up the upper arm, and what muscles they consist of.


Today I would like to summarize upper arm training.

上腕を構成する筋肉群 Muscle groups that make up the upper arm



In my opinion, if you want to have log-like upper arms, you need to train all the muscles that make up your upper arms.


So, I will begin by listing the muscle groups that make up the upper arm.

  • 上腕二頭筋 biceps brachii muscle
    • いわゆる”力こぶ”ですね。肘関節を曲げる際に主に用います。長頭と短頭に分かれます。
    • It is the so-called ‘power hump’. Mainly used for bending the elbow joint. It is divided into a long head and a short head.
  • 烏口腕筋 coracoid brachial muscle
    • 烏口突起に始まり、上腕骨に停止します。上腕の屈曲と内転を行います。
    • Starts at the coracoid process and stops at the humerus. It performs flexion and adduction of the upper arm.
  • 上腕筋 brachial muscle
    • 上腕骨に始まり、尺骨に停止します。肘関節を曲げる際に用います。
    • It starts at the humerus and stops at the ulna. It is used to bend the elbow joint.
  • 上腕三頭筋 triceps brachii muscle
    • いわゆる”二の腕”ですね。肘関節を伸ばす際に用います。長頭、内側頭、外側頭に分かれます。肩甲骨、上腕骨から始まり、尺骨肘頭に停止します。
    • It is the so-called ‘second arm’. Used to extend the elbow joint. Divided into long, medial and lateral heads. It starts at the scapula and humerus and stops at the ulnar olecranon.
  • 肘筋 elbow muscle
    • 上腕骨に始まり、尺骨に停止します。肘関節を伸展する際に用います。
    • It starts at the humerus and stops at the ulna. It is used to extend the elbow joint.


Exercise all of these muscles!

肘関節を曲げる Bend the elbow joint

Viktor RisticによるPixabayからの画像


If you want to train mainly the biceps brachii: fix the elbow and flex the elbow joint.

トレーニング種目:ダンベルカール、プリーチャーカール、ゾッドマンカール Training disciplines: Dumbbell curls, preacher curls, Zodman curls


If you want to train mainly the brachial muscles: flex the elbow joint in such a way that the dumbbells are crawling on the body side. This reduces the involvement of the biceps in elbow flexion.

トレーニング種目:ドラッグカール Training disciplines: drag curl


If you want to train the brachioradialis muscle mainly: it exerts its strength when the arm is lowered from the outside to the body and may be difficult to train with home training.

トレーニング種目:プッシュアップ、ディップス、スカルクラッシャー、ベンチプレス Training disciplines: push-ups, dips, skull crushers, bench press

肘関節を伸ばす Stretching the elbow joint



The only muscles that extend the elbow joint are the triceps and elbow muscles.


The triceps have a long head, lateral head and medial head, so it would be possible to train them separately depending on how the elbow joint is extended, but at the moment they are not trained with that much attention to detail.

まとめ Summary


To make the upper arm thicker, you need to know about the muscle groups that make up the upper arm!


If the flexor and extensor muscle groups that make up the upper arm are trained evenly, the upper arm should become thicker!

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